What is meant by Multicomputer? Explain NORMA Model | Computer Organization and Architecture

What is meant by Multicomputer? Explain NORMA Model  

What is meant by Multicomputer?

1. A multicomputer is a type of computer system that consists of multiple interconnected computers, typically through a high-speed network, working together to solve a problem or perform a task. 

2. Unlike a traditional single-computer system, where all tasks are performed by a single central processing unit (CPU), a multicomputer system divides the workload among multiple CPUs, which can lead to increased performance, scalability, and fault tolerance.

The NORMA (NORMAlization of Relation Model Attributes) model is a data modeling technique used in software engineering to design and implement relational databases. It is a conceptual data modeling approach that emphasizes the normalization of data, which is the process of organizing data into tables with minimal redundancy and maximum data integrity.

Explain NORMA Model  

1. In the NORMA model, each table is designed to represent a single entity or relationship in the database, with each column in the table representing a single attribute of that entity or relationship. 

2. The model also emphasizes the use of natural keys, which are attributes that uniquely identify each row in a table based on the meaning of the data rather than arbitrary identifiers.

3. The NORMA model also includes several unique features, including the use of fact types to model complex relationships between entities, the separation of roles and constraints from entities, and the use of a graphical notation to represent the model. 

4. These features can make the NORMA model more expressive and flexible than other data modeling techniques, but they may also require additional training and expertise to use effectively.

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